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Cortland Curiosities Logo


From a notorious murder that inspired an American masterpiece to an 8-foot pair of pants made to fit a mythical lumberjack, Cortland County has a variety of weird and wonderful stories.

The Cortland Curiosities Trail had us scouring the county for the quirky and wacky, showcasing the unusual (and sometimes supernatural). Those interested in exploring the county’s weird and magical past, along with getting to know many of its larger-than-life historical characters, can follow a string of stops directly into Cortland’s lore. It is a fun and unique way to explore the county, ideal for the traveler who believes no trip is complete without saying, “Well, THAT was weird!”

Stumble into Cortland’s very own haunted castle, retrace the steps of one of the County’s notorious cold cases, and rock on with local trumpeter turned heavy metal hero – just to name a few.

So set out on your next unconventional adventure with this lineup of #cortlandcuriosities, as well as some extra tips on what else to see and do nearby.

Stay curious, travelers!