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Wickwire Legacy

It has long been believed that the Wickwire home is haunted. Psychics and paranormal hunters frequent the more than 100-year-old mansion seeking contact with the Wickwire family. The television series Ghost Hunters debuted the airing of their investigation in February 2013, and since then, the house has been a regular stop for curious paranormal explorers, such as Dream Seekers Paranormal, Til Death?, and Sixth Sense Paranormal Society.

As for the museum staff, present, and past, they seem equally divided regarding the presence of otherworldly entities. Today, we will take you on a unique tour of the 1890 House Mansion, retracing Mr. Chester Wickwire’s last days in his beloved home, nestled in the heart of a community he so deeply cared for.

Did Chester love his splendid estate and his cherished hometown so dearly that perhaps he never left, even after his untimely death? Does he still walk the halls of his Victorian castle? We’ll leave it for you to decide…

  1. 1890 House Museum
  2. Cortland Rural Cemetery