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Little York Lake At Dwyer Memorial Park

Location: Little York Park Road, Preble, NY
(42.710156, -76.152612)

Chester continued to string Grace along, dolling out just enough affection to convince Grace to keep their growing secret hidden. It wasn’t only Grace’s reputation on the line. Chester had big aspirations of promotions within his uncle’s business and was rumored to have his eye fixed up on a particular female socialite. He needed to calm Grace’s fears quickly.

My whole life is ruined and in a measure yours is too. Of course it’s worse for me than it is for you, but the world and you, too, may think that I am the one to blame, but somehow I can’t- just simply can’t think that I am, Chester. I said no so many times, dear…”

Trail manuscripts pages 1015-1017

On a warm summer evening in mid-June, Chester rented a horse and buggy for a drive to Little York Lake. This was no small expense, the trolly just a fraction of the price, but Chester required privacy for this tete-a-tete. Despite Grace confiding in Chester that she could not swim, Chester went directly to Raymond’s Boat House. He rented a small rowboat and paddled Grace into the center of Little York Lake. When they returned to the boat, less than an hour later, it was clear to Mr. Raymond that Grace had been weeping. After this, Chester refused to be seen in public with Grace again.

While Grace had returned to her family home, composing pleading letters to her dispassionate lover and letting out her dresses, Chester returned to Little York Lake. It was the fourth of July weekend, and Chester escorted Harriet Benedict to dinner at Little York Pavillon. Together they signed their names on the Raymond House register, a hotel on the lake’s shores, forever cementing his infidelities in history.